1500mm Wide Ramp System
The modular wheelchair ramp system from The Ramp People are fabricated from galvanised steel and feature an expanded mesh anti-slip surface, as well as double height handrails and up-stand safety edges along both sides as standard. The ramps are supported on fully adjustable, telescopic legs. These systems are fully modular and can be used to provide temporary or permanent access to portacabins, marquees, shops, hospitals, stages, theaters, offices.
Our Modular Systems can be assembled by every competent builder.
Featuring a 2 year guarantee - these tough and durable systems can be erected and left in place for a few days, weeks, months, years or even decades.
Our wider systems are ideal for providing access to public and commercial buildings. As the systems can be made to support up to 400kg per square meter, they don't have to be used for wheelchair access alone and so can be used as a loading/unloading solutions as well as general and disabled access. Our customers include; NHS hospitals, film and TV studios, industrial units, cold storage suppliers, hotel chains and sporting venues.
These systems are designed to be portable and temporary .
An easy guide for the right measurements around the door. All instructions and a video for assembling the system can be found here.