Sabretooth Non Folding Loading Ramps

Sabretooth Non Folding Loading Ramps

The new Sabretooth Ramps are now available. They are the new range of non folding loading ramps for professional use, lightweight yet strong, with capacities up to 4,500kg and available in the lengths 1500mm up to 4000mm. The profile height of only 60mm makes the ramps relatively low in weight and height, but as they are built with the best quality aluminium 6005A the strength is simply remarkable, and TUV approved. So we have decided that this range deserves a name and the cut outs on the surface of the ramps appears like a predator mouth due to its really sharp teeth.

Sabretooth Ramps – Seriously Good Grip just seems like the only possible name.

 With the surface cut those ramps really provide a good grip, seriously. Ideally used for lightweight plant machinery, lawn mowers and heavyweight quad or buggies, those non folding loading ramps can be used on a regular basis. However as the grip is also quite sharp we don’t recommend the usage of castor wheels or dolly wheels, or walking on those ramps bare feet/slim soles for that matter. We have not only created a logo, but also a video, which can be seen below. What do you think? If you want to give us feedback, or want to learn more about those ramps, contact us here.